
The sun here in south Florida can be brutal. 85-90 percent of all skin cancer is sun related. “Two different people can get the exact same amount of UVA and UVB cancer rays and one gets a skin cancer and the other does not. That is due to a genetic predisposition of getting skin cancer”, according to Dr. Jay Gottlieb, a board-certified dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery. He believes that avoiding the use of tanning beds and excessive sun exposure is the best way to lower the risk of getting skin cancer.

A broad-specturm UVA/UVB sun block with an SPF of 30 or higher worn daily can help to reduce the incidence of skin cancer. Look for the sun blocks that contain micronized zinc, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Wear them daily, but that doesn’t eliminate the need for regular dermatology skin examinations.

A board certified dermatologist should check your skin for anything suspicious. Any new growth or any mole/ growth that changes in character requires close expert evaluation. With most insurance plans, you are able to visit a dermatologist five times each year without a referral.

Don’t forget about your children. Protecting children now will help to prevent skin cancer later in life. Make sure they wear a children’s sun block daily and don’t let them stay in the sun too long. Hats and protective clothing is a must for our children in South Florida.

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