
Kybella is a fat-melting injectable drug created by Kythera Biopharmaceuticals Inc., was approved by the FDA in April and became available June 15 to dermatologists and plastic surgeons who completed training. Dr. Matt Leavitt, Founder and CEO of Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery was one of those first to be trained in the country and first to inject in patients in Central Florida.

Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical produced in the body to help absorb fats. When injected into the fat below the chin, known as submental fat, it destroys the fat cells.

Double chins can be difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise alone, but Kybella can help to get rid of that excess fat in a non-surgical, non-invasive way. The injections need to be placed carefully in order to achieve even results and avoid any nerves or other potentially problematic anatomical features, so it is important to only have Kybella injected by a board-certified dermatologist who have undergone safety training for the injections.

Dr. Leavitt is always one of the first to be trained on any new products and devices, as he is seen as a thought leader and expert in the dermatology community. He is now training over 200 Board Certified Dermatologists and providers in his practice of over 118 offices across the country to be able to offer this cosmetic injection.

“Advanced Dermatology is looking forward to helping our patients achieve their desired chin contour with Kybella,” said Dr. Leavitt. “Finally, there is a non-invasive treatment that everyone can take advantage of to improve their jawline and reduce their double chin!”

So, if you’re bothered by your “double chin,” we’ve got something new just for you!

Each treatment session with KYBELLA™ is typically 15 to 20 minutes, given right here in our office. Make your appointment now with one of our Board Certified Dermatologists trained by Dr. Leavitt himself.



Immediate appointments available at many of our 160+ Locations


Cosmetics/aesthetics 800-647-9851

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